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Furniture and appliances, medical assistance,
sewer hook up grant applications, and hurricane preparedness.
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Furniture and appliances:

A range of donated items is available to those eligible clients who simply cannot afford an essential item, particularly when emergency replacement is required. The most requested items, other than major appliances, include mattress/box springs, small dressers, 4-6 seat dining tables/chairs, and smaller sofas and loveseats.


     Accepted items: (No stains, tears or broken parts) 

   Small dining room tables/chairs 

   Small dressers or pieces for clothing storage 

   Small sofas, love seats and chairs 

   Twin, full, queen mattresses and box springs 

   Refrigerators, washing machines, clothes dryers, free standing stoves, and

   table top microwaves 

   Pack ‘n Plays 

     Items NOT accepted: (Because of spacing and liability issues, items listed

                                                below cannot be accepted)         

   Linens and bedding of any size, knickknacks, art 

   Dishes, kitchen items 

   Curtains, drapes or window treatment hardware 

   Sectional sofas, chaise lounges, 

   Entertainment center, armoires 

   Office furniture 

   Outdoor/patio furniture 


   Console TVs or flat screen TVs larger than 42” 

   KING frames, mattresses and box springs 


   Used car seats 

   Headboards/ foot boards(only basic metal frames allowed) 

   Broken furniture or appliances 

   Alcohol related items 


Medical assistance: 

providing medicines, personal hygiene items, and more

As in other areas of support, help with medicines is granted on an individual basis.  In most cases, a valid prescription is necessary.  Deep Well does not fill opioid prescriptions.  Deep Well also provides referral support and works in concert with organizations such as Volunteers in Medicine (VIM) and Beaufort Jasper Hampton Comprehensive Health (BJHCH).  Often, special medical needs most people take for granted are simply not affordable for families earning marginal incomes.  And, without our help, there can be tragic consequences.  We've provided emergency dental care, medicines and assistance with eyeglasses.  In addition, as a preventative aid, we are able to provide toothbrushes, toothpaste, nutritional supplements, sanitary products and other personal hygiene items, often including them with food deliveries.

We need diapers and wipes.

Diapers in all sizes are appreciated, but sizes 3, 4 and 5 are the most requested.

We need toothbrushes.

We give one out to each family member with each food delivery.

Sewer Hook Up Grant Applications (Hilton Head Island only):

In collaboration with the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Hilton Head PSD#1, and the town of Hilton Head Island, Deep Well serves as the application facilitator for low-income families who need assistance tapping into the sewer system on Hilton Head. The program is designed to help people with the initial upfront tap-in costs so individually owned septic systems on private property that are aging or failing can be retired - keeping the waters and creeks of Hilton Head safe and clean.  Deep Well collects the applications, verifies that they are complete with all needed backup documents and then submits the applications to the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry or the town of Hilton Head Island.  If approved for a grant, Project Safe or town grants can be for 100%, 85% or 50% of the tap-in cost, based on the applicant's household income.

Click HERE to access the Project Safe Application

Click HERE  to access the town's application.

Hard copies of both are available at Deep Wells office at 80 Capital Drive.

Questions?  Just ring our office Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m.: 843-785-2849

Hurricane preparedness:

Read about hurricanes, the US "Watch & Warning" system and understand what you'll have to do in an emergency.  


You can get all the details — easy to read and understand — at 


Here are some key pieces of info for our local clients, volunteers, donors and neighbors in the greater Hilton Head community.


1. Listen for alerts:  on the radio, WJWJ 89.9FM, part of the ETV network covering Beaufort/Hilton Head


2. Program these important numbers into your cell phone:

  • American Red Cross:  1-866-438-4636

  • Hispanic Outreach of South Carolina:  1-803-419-5112

  • Public Information Phone System (activated only when needed):  1-866-246-0133


3. Follow evacuation instructions:  


If you have a vehicle:

To get off Hilton Head Island, follow either US 278 (William Hilton Parkway) or the Cross Island Parkway.  Where the two roads merge, a third lane will be formed using the inside eastbound lane of US 278 to carry the traffic from the toll road.  Once you've crossed the bridges over the Intracoastal Waterway, traffic will use the normal three westbound lanes of US 278 and continue on that road, or to I-95, or SC 170.


If you don't have your own reliable transportation:

Evacuation shuttle pick-up points are:

  • 151 Gumtree Road (in front of the Boys & Girls Club)

  • 173 Marshland Road (in front of the Sea Island Chapel)

  • 430 William Hilton Parkway (in front of Pineland Station)

  • 450 Spanish Wells Road (in front of Grace Community Church)

  • 24 Pope Avenue (in front of Holy Family Catholic Church)

  • 663 William Hilton Parkway (in front of Hilton Head Resort)



If you're going to a shelter by bus:

  • You must have photo identification.

  • No furniture, alcohol, illegal drugs or weapons allowed.

  • You cannot take pets.

  • Only one bag or suitcase per person will be allowed.

  • Bring all medications and medical supplies.

  • Bring special baby supplies if needed.

  • Bring food and money for at least three days.




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