Giving parents the ability to choose how they want to surprise their children

In Early December, we begin stocking our Santa Shop with a broad range of new toys, books, crafts and activities, as well as new clothes for children from ages 1 through 12. The toys are donated — from individuals and organizations throughout the island — and the clothes are purchased throughout the year, generally at Deep Well discounts, by our veteran volunteer shoppers.
Parents come in at scheduled appointment times, without their children present. Shelves are re-stocked between shoppers to provide a full selection for everyone. This program process seems to bring greater joy to the children and a greater sense of dignity and empowerment to the parents
A big part of the Santa Shop's success has been the generosity of individuals and organizations on Hilton Head Island. Their individual gifts and numerous toy drives have always been the keys to making this and other Deep Well programs a real value to the community. Some look at it as "giving back;" some help "just because" — no matter the reason, the spirit of giving is alive and well here.
Families begin to register for the Santa Shop by phone on November 1st each year, with the shop open with specific appointment times from approximately December 10-17 (this changes slightly each year).
In recent years 800 to 900 children, ages one through 12, who all live on Hilton Head Island, received brand new clothing and toys, hand selected by their parents. Popular items included bicycles, scooters, skateboards, fishing poles, board games, arts & crafts, baby dolls, stuffed animals, books, functional clothes!